Monday, April 23, 2007

good charlotte

at last i was able to score tickets for the good charlotte concert thanks to mabel.. you're a doll. and thank goodness for shahir aka sir ferhad. he was kind enough to get becky and i and followed us to the concert. the sad part was, there were too many kids. like hello. isn't it passed their bedtime already? and there was this guy, he was jumping while holding to his ass. hello. is he afraid that his ass are gonna drop? wtf la. and as usual sir ferhad was hungry. luckily there was food there. if not i would not hear the end of it. hahahhaha..

it was worth going.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

m r . h o g g e r

this particular post is dedicated to mr shahir reza ali. omg. he is a the shisha hogger. he doesn't like sharing shisha with anyone! so irritating la. and worst still when he's stone! hates sharing it with anyone! what a loser. so greedy. we were hanging out at the pool side. he's the only one that was in his own world. started splashing the freaking pool water on me. and the best part he almost, goddamn almost fell into the pool. why didn't he fall. it would have been so freaking great. if he did, we would be laughing our guts out. hahahah.

doesn't he look like an al-qaeda terrorist?

told you i was going to post it up. you're lucky i didn't post the movie up. hahahahha.. fur? what the hell. instead of hair he said fur.

Friday, April 13, 2007

i t c h

have you ever had an itch that you really, i mean really need to scratch. i know i've experienced it before, that it is so frakking annoying. it is annoying because part of you don't really want to scratch it. *have no idea if frakking is a word. but who cares i like the way it sounds. ok, going back to the frakking topic*. but yet the little voice in your head says go ahead man. there's nothing to lose. but after scratching that frakking itch you realize that it is all not worth it. either it sucks or you would just end up feeling guilty for scratching it or you might think that it is not worth the frak. or you could find it amusing or good. arggghhh. so complicated la. and you wonder why the frakking hell you've put yourself into. and yet somehow you've already know the answers but the neurons in your poor pathetic brain could not register the freaking data. 'ah gawd, what's happening.'

was it worth it scratching the poor little itch that you have? i have no frakking idea. maybe. but was all of it worth it? nah, i don't think so. it was not worth a freaking frak. sigh. life. double sigh. the things we put ourselves through. why oh why. as you grow older you might want to think that you are wiser than before but the truth we're not. we're just getting wiser due the experiences that we went through. and what we know today was important for all the decisions that you've made in the past. but yet, if you could turn back time, would you go on scratching that particular itch or would you say no?
each frakking decisions that we've made in the past, made us what we are today. good or bad. something that would make us look back and go 'awh gawd, damn it. shite'.

Friday, April 06, 2007

children of the 80's

We grew up watching
Woody the Woodpecker, Bugs
Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Captain Planet,
Barney and friends, Ninja Turtles,
Gummie Bears, Baja Hitam, Ultraman.

Remember we had to brush our teeths
during recess at primary school? had to
hold plastic
cups, line up with your classmates side
by side and start brushing our teeths
at some open area... or maybe near some
and sometimes there will be some nurses
teaching us the correct way to brush
our teeth....

do you still remember that we
had 'dentist' rooms where we had to
have our teeths check?

not to forget our 'program minum susu'
in primary school.. everybody is
suppose to buy like cartons of milk
costed 30 cents.. and you would see
everyone drinking it everyday...
and don't forget VITAGEN! we went crazy
for them.... i know i did.

the teachers who would want to punish
us must use yellow rulers to hit us on
our palms?? or cubit our stomach...
unfortunately for me i got smacked
on my back. sigh. and my mom
went to the principles

that a bowl of mihun soup or some soup
only costed 50 cents at the school

went to some sundry shop near the
school or to the 'roti' man waiting
outside our schools so that we can buy
junk food like chickedees, mamee, ding
dang with some toys in it, 'Ti Kam',
cream and we would play games like
monopoly, uno, old maid, snap, happy
family and all other card games like

another fun time would be during
Pendidikan Jasmani. the boys would
play football while the girls would
netball... and it would be like we were
playing in the world cup...

but of course. the best would be main
guli, batu seremban, bottlecaps, ice-
cream sticks, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-
three', Cops and Robbers, main kejar-
kejar duduk.. and for the not so
those kind of 'book games' where we
would use buku latihan to draw and ask
our friends to play as in tick tack toe or
even hangman...

do you remember the ice-cream tubes
which are actually ice and colouring
are sold for 10 to 20 cents.. the
colourful ones..
where you usually bite off the
top to glup it down...

what about days when we felt like doing
naughty things such as folding papers
so small to make 'lastik' and shoot
each other... how about throwing

back then, micheal jackson was just
turning white.. and still had albums
coming out.. compared to CD's, we were
listening to tapes that sold for

in computer class, we were still using
black and white computer moniters..
played 'Atari'... maybe SEGA or

well, are we all getting older or what?

1) if you understand what you have read
and you are smiling...

2) we have friends from school that are
already married...

3) we shake our heads everytime we
see high school students fussing about
their handphones in school..

4) we don't hang on phone with our
friends for hours a day talking about

5) when we meet back with our friends
from time to time, we feel excited and
happy talking about old times, the
funny 'adventures' or stories that we
experienced as a kid..

6) last but not least, that when you
read this, you would think of all the happy
& sad memories that you have
experienced when you were still a kid

this is so true. it reminds me of my childhood days.
those were the days when nothing mattered at all.
the days when we were more carefree.

house & fashion

went to laundry last night with sabrina and her chicky babe friend. but it was so so so empty. the band sucks like hell. i couldn't even understand what the hell are they singing about. it was the most boring time i had there. the only thing that was worth while was meeting up with sab and also sheena and not forgetting disturbing the bartenders. not only is was boring, it closed at 1am. what the hell!! left there and went to cynna.

i understand the new fashions and all. but come on, who the f**k wears retro clothes with leggings to a freaking house club and better yet, dancing to the music? it is just so salah man. salah is an understatement for it. it is just plan horrendous. not trying to be mean and all but do you go to a rave with that? obviously no. if you are wearing jeans and all i do get it la. but leggings, and trying to dance and top of that trying to look high. i just don't get it. i am not saying that i have the best fashion sense. i don't really follow the fashion industry as it is just too much to bear. every single season there are new styles and more money to be wasted.

anways thanks babe and sunil for taking me out last night. and mr sunil vijayan, i am not an aunty ok. i've passed the phase to party in town anymore. but i do missed the times when i used to. it was fun.